Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Talks about Locker Rooms

Where the Boys Are:  Teenage Masculinity
 Alexis Jones: Locker Room Talk --  Says Who?      

In the Ted Talk, I was listening to Alexis Jones talk about "Locker room talk." Says who?She argues that teen boys are so influenced by outside media and how they surround themselves with people that make accusations without knowing how to teach teen boys how to treat women or teen girls. Alexis actually believes that media, other people thinking for others, and porn is just causing to have a good bond with girls. Also, she wants to understand how we should be working together and should be putting a stop to what’s going on inside the locker room and even outside of it too.
When I watch this Ted Talk, I honestly watch it repeatedly because I can connect emotionally to how we are so fed up with the very little to no information about the world and not letting teens come up with their own opinions. The part that really got me was when she was talking about schools should be implicated emotional part of teens lives. I never had a reason why I did some things, but that part of your speech was so mind blowing, and her talk pulled me in with all the stories and reasons. Also, I like when she connected everything back to what she use to do that brought her here today.

My question to this Ted Talk is,
How would teen boys be stopped by information that is given and come up with their own opinion? I question that because I never start creating my own opinions until I went to college. It is actually easy to be influenced by other people because we are so used to being in the norms and wanting to be like others and not creating our own opinion.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Orenstein, from Cinderella Ate My Daughter;  Douglas, from Enlightened Sexism

This week I’m going to be doing an extension post on one of my classmate's blogs her name is Lexi’s. Here is her post on this week’s two reading we read to create our posts.

In her post-Lexi argues, “from thinking about tv shows and movies, are we still heading on a progressive path, away from shows like "The Bachelor."  Are we watching these shows because we think they are funny because people actually act this way or are we using these shows as a base for our lives?”

I agree with what Lexi’s argues, as while as Orenstein, from Cinderella Ate My Daughter. These shows teach teenage girls that getting men to look at you involves dressing up, putting makeup on, and most of all show men that you are better than other women by doing things to impress the men.
When Lexi brought up the point from the other article about

Douglas, from Enlightened Sexism

 She stated that “Douglas continues to discuss how media influences the population. Many shows specifically on MTV (reality love shows) focuses less on the finding love aspect but on the competition between young women, emphasizing on verbal and physical fights, berating other women, and competing for the man.”

I feel like this is true based on everything we have seen on MTV as Lexi has stated. Also, I think it shows us how love should be or even how to get someone to love you for all the makeup or even what girls or women are wearing. It comes back to discourse and how the five stages is a huge influence on teen girls. They want to become into women that they might think is pretty for other people but not themselves. When Lexi wrote about what Douglas argues it gave me that light bulb that turned on because it brought me back to the moment where my boyfriend’s sister went to prom and everyone started to notice her even the people she never talked to. These two readings made me connect with what Lexi’s has commented/questioned on her post, and it all came together.

Question: I wondered after reading these two articles and replying to Lexi’s comment/question, how many girls that are teens are influenced by their looks to impress men? Even more, so does these TV shows relevant to teens by watching what they are wearing?

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Teen Vogue’s No Selfie Day and Website SelfieCity


Selfie City makes claims thatInvestigating the style of self-portraits (selfies) in five cities across the world.” While examining selfies between 5 cities (Bangkok, Berlin, New York, Sao Paulo, and Moscow) they findings of the demographics, media visualizations, interactive self-explanatory, and essays discuss selfies.
Source by Selfie City
Teen Vogue makes claims that ‘selfie’ exposes a very basic human desire — to feel noticed, appreciated and recognized". The fixation with selfies shows thing that I knew seen before. How teenagers take selfies then edit their favorite selfie, and make themselves feel good by using different apps to change different things about themselves.
Source by Teen Vogue

Selfie matter because people want the attention and the respect from others that they think that are a big deal.

How does this topic intersect with other readings we have done so far? These websites intersect with the three readings by connecting the ideas about teenagers, youth, and discourse. There are many key elements on how selfies are involved with media and how it affects your own ideology. Also, this topic touches on a huge part of Raby’s reading essential of discourse, because wanting to be noticed or desired by other people that are part of becoming a teenager and social problems is another part where it can be leading to be obsessed with what they need to look like.
How does it make teenagers feel about taking a selfie?
I barely took a picture of myself, maybe only a few pictures of myself to show my family how I’m doing or what I look like because I don’t live near any of my family. So wants the point or purpose of wanting people to look at their selfie or wanting yourself to look like with tons a makeup or just your looks with different apps. Why would just those thing help when you and tell people through whose how you are on the outsides and inside?

Talks about Locker Rooms

Where the Boys Are:  Teenage Masculinity   Alexis Jones: Locker Room Talk --  Says Who?                                           ...